Here's a really simple recipe for fudge for your holiday celebrations!
3 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 can Eagle Brand® Regular or Low Fat Sweetened Condensed Milk
2 tsp vanilla extract
Melt chocolate chips with sweetened condensed milk. Remove from heat. Stir in vanilla.
Spread evenly in parchment paper lined 8” (20cm) square pan. Chill 4 hours or until firm.
Remove from pan and peel off paper. Cut into squares.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Herbal Honey Recipes
Hey everyone! Here are a few honey herbal recipes for you to try. I am making no claims about the medicinal properties of these items, always follow your doctors advice when it comes to your health. Have a good day!
These Honey recipes can be used in teas,as a spread or even added to your sauces,spaghetti,baking or anything you would like to add them or taken daily
by spoon.
1/4 to 1/2 cup of dried herbs to 1 cup of honey
Make sure you powder the herbs before adding them to the honey.
1. Put honey into a sterilized jar.
2. Put jar into a double boiler over low heat.
3. Gently heat for about 15 min. or until warm,but do not overheat honey.
4. Stir the herbs into the honey while still warm.
5. Remove jar of honey from double boiler and let cool.
6. Store honey in a cabinet for 2 weeks before eating.
7. Occasionally stir the contents,mixing herbs thoroughly into the honey.
8. Just leave the herbs in the honey as you use it.There is no need to strain
the herbs out at any point.
Honey last for one year outside the refrigerator. Just stir ones in a while,due to
herbs settling on bottom of jar.
Winter Cold Honey !
1 cup honey
2 tablespoons powered garlic
2 tablespoons rosemary
1 tablespoons thyme
1 teaspoon sage
1 teaspoon oregano
Take a teaspoon every 6 hours
Cough Ease Honey !
1 cup honey
2 tablespoons powdered fennel seed
1 teaspoon powered star anise
3/4 teaspoon powered black pepper
1/2 teaspoon powered ginger
Take a teaspoon when needed for cough.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Using What You Store
The Emergency Essentials store has so many wonderful food and survival items to offer. I am not getting paid by this company, I just love their items and want people to be able to find a place they can trust for their needs. Here is a recipe from them on using some of what you store. Hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Have You Thought About Rice and Beans?
You can purchase a 20lb. Bag of rice and a 10lb. Bag of pinto beans for about $22.00. The last a very long time if kept in a cool, dry place and once opened you can transfer them to sealed 5 gallon buckets with tight lids or smaller containers that have a good fitting lid. Mix taco seasoning with rice and beans for a great flavor. You can store dry spices and onions with you storage goods that make a wonderful addition to you rice and bean dishes. You may also want to store assorted cans of beans to help in a quick fix for food without the overnight soaking of the dry beans.
Long Grain White Rice – Calories
Long Grain White Rice – Nutrition per cup (cooked)
Fat (0.4 grams)
Carbohydrates (45 grams)
Fiber (0.6 grams)
Protein (4 grams)
Very low in saturated fat
No cholesterol
Very low in sodium
Very low in sugar
High in manganese
Pinto Beans – Calories
Pinto Beans – Nutrition per cup serving
Fat (1 gram)
Carbohydrates (45 grams)
Fiber (15 grams)
Protein (15 grams)
Very low in saturated fat
No cholesterol
Very low in sodium
Very low in sugar
Very high in dietary fiber
High in manganese
High in phosphorus
Here is a cheap recipe:
1 15 oz. can of lite coconut milk ($1.39) Used coupon in this week’s newspaper for Thai kitchen products!
About 1/3 cup of pineapple juice from a can of pineapple ($.25-ish)
1/2 cup of water
1 cup uncooked white rice ($.20)
Salt/Pepper, to taste
2 cups cooked pinto beans ($.40)
4 carrot sticks, peeled and cut into circles ($.40)
Honey drizzles ($.25)
2 broccoli heads ($.74) On sale for $1.48/bunch this week!
(1/2. Cook about 1 cup of pinto beans in 6 cups of water. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to medium high. Cover and cook for 1.5 -2 hours, or until beans are soft. Remove from heat, drain liquid.)
1. In medium saucepan, bring coconut milk, pineapple juice and water to a rolling boil. Add 1 cup of rice and return to boil. Cover and reduce heat to medium low and cook for 15 minutes. Turn off heat and let stand for 5 more minutes (do not uncover!). Fluff with fork before adding the beans.
2. Combine beans and rice in saucepan.
3. Steam carrots in steamer, or cook in 1/2 cup of water in small saucepan. Drizzle with honey to sweeten them up a smidge!
Steam broccoli in stovetop steamer or in microwavable bowl covered with plastic wrap.
Serve Coconut Rice and Beans with Honey Sweetened Carrots and Steamed Broccoli.
You can substitute the milk and juice with any flavor you desire! Cost $2.24
recipe was found at :
recipe was found at :
Friday, November 25, 2011
Food Storage Items
Here are a few items that are essential to any food storage kit. I like this site for these items. You should check it out.
1 Can of Future Essentials Freeze Dried Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese #2.5 Can / 10oz
1 Can of Future Essentials Freeze Dried Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese #2.5 Can / 10oz
This is REAL grated Sharp Cheddar cheese, and will melt after you rehydrate it. Future Essentials Freeze Dried Cheddar cheese can be used in many recipes including casseroles, tacos, soups, chili topping, and salads. Fresh weight replacement 1 to 4 (freeze dried - fresh prepared). Proudly using USA dairy, as well as canned and prepared in the states. $14.95 Each.

1 Can of Pure U.S. Canned Ghee / Clarified Butter - 14 oz Can
This Clarified Butter / Ghee is made from pure butter in the U.S. under the strictest quality control standards. Ghee is GLUTEN FREE, and the most common cooking medium used worldwide instead of traditional cooking oils like Olive or Vegetable Oil, and it is actually considered to be healthier thank most oils. $7.50 Each
Hope you check these out, there are so many more items to choose from also. Smiles.....
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Time To Think About Saving Your Seeds
Which seeds can be saved?
Save the best seeds! If you have a tomato that bore fruit early or a watermelon that was particularly tasty, be sure to save those seeds. Saving your own seeds is more work than buying them, but the benefit is to encourage the traits you want in your supply of garden seeds. The steps you take to save seeds will depend on the fruit or vegetable. Some seeds can be scraped easily from the flesh of the produce and are relatively dry. Other seeds are small and deeply embedded inside the fruit, making them hard to separate. For fruits and vegetables that separate easily from the produce and are not covered in pulp, simply scrape the seeds away from the produce. Spread them out evenly on a glass dish. They should NOT be layered on top of each other. The air will need to circulate easily around them to dry. Place them in a sunny window for one week. Using a glass dish, or plate, in this step prevents the seeds from sticking, as they do to a paper towel. You won't have to worry about damaging the seeds trying to remove them from the towel if you spread them out well on a glass surface.
For seeds that come with a lot of liquid or pulp, remove as much pulp as possible from the seed with your fingers. Then, soak or rinse them immediately to remove the remainder. After soaking, strain the seeds from the water with you hand or with a strainer. Then follow the steps above to dry the seeds in a window. When you are certain the seeds are well dried, place them in an envelope. Write the type of seed and the date on the envelope. Store them in a dry, dark and cool place. Very small seeds from flowering vegetables such as lettuce may simply be shaken into a paper sack. Make sure these seeds are ready to harvest before removing them from the plant. A good indication of the seeds readiness is when the flower becomes dry or begins to drop a few seeds. If you enjoy saving seeds there are a variety of seed trading forums online. You might also find it rewarding to swap seeds with other gardeners in your local area.
Saving Tomato Seeds
Save tomato seeds for planting next year. Most people think tomatoes are vegetables, but they are a fruit. To save the seeds, cut the tomato in half and with a spoon scoop out all the seeds into a glass bowl. Add some waters to the seeds to leach away sprouting inhibitors. Set the bowl aside for two to three days then pour the seeds into a fine sieve and rinse them with water. Pat them dry with a paper towel, then shake them onto a paper plate, and set them in a bright airy place to dry. Store seeds in a resealable plastic bag or container.
Saving Seeds From Summer Squash
Save seeds from the summer squash in your garden. Allow the squash to over-ripen. You'll know it's time to harvest the seeds when the flesh can be dented with a fingernail. Slice the squash open, and scrape out the seeds. Wash them and let them dry on a paper plate or paper towel. Store the dry seeds in a paper or plastic bag.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
473 Recipes from the Boy Scouts of America
Here is a link to the Boy Scouts of America website that has 473 very easy Scout camping recipes. These are perfect for emergency cooking and everyday living because of the common and minimal number of ingredients.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Surviving a Civil Breakdown Situation
Having a practical and workable plan of action to protect yourself, your family , and your property before social chaos erupts of martial law goes into effect. All you have to do is look to recent past events and how they were handled to see that this would be totally out of control on a national level.
Shelter, food, water, and security. These are the four basic elements you need to provide for. With an intelligent disaster plan, and the will to survive and a cache of food and supplies you will have what you need during the hard times.
In the event of a prolonged period of martial law and social chaos, you can expect to see radical changes to the way you live and the freedoms you now take for granted. These will include your right to assemble, free speech, and hoarding food or provisions.
The Basics for a 72 Hour Survival Kit
Use a backpack that you can realistically carry all the items you'll need.
Use the Rule of 3 When Making Your Kit: You could be dead in......
Three minutes without air
Three minutes from a severe wound
Three minutes from extreme freezing conditions
Three hours without shelter in severe weather
Three days without water
Three weeks without food
In a major disaster, you may be faced with drinking from questionable sources. Always boil your water so you'll need to make a fire. Boiling the water gets rid of the bacteria so you can drink it. There are also water purification tablets which are effective but often bad tasting, but that should not stop you from using them if it means your life.
I suggest you carry at least three different methods: lighter, matches and a magnesium striker. Magnesium can be carried safely in a small block, but when you scrap the edge into small grit, it will ignite with a spark. The striker is a metal bar that when struck by the edge of a knife, for example, causes that high temperature spark. The wooden handles version is slightly different. The wood is oil soaked and the scraper is used to strap the wood to form tender which lights easily, even after a half hour under water.
Another tip to accelerate fire starting is to carry Cotton rubbed with petroleum jelly. I carry them in old film canisters or prescription bottles, both of which are water-resistant. The other benefits of fire are heat, cooking, protection from animals and a signal for rescue.
In a major disaster, you will be the doctor until help arrives...harsh reality but true. You will want to know how to help yourself, family and friends with medical assistance. A good start for customizing your medical kit starts with the basics of band aids and alcohol pads and an instructive first aid manual. Of course, you will want to build on this with sterile gauze, tape and painkillers such as aspirin and Tylenol. If you have to take prescription medicine, try to have at least a 2 week supply, along with diabetic supplies if needed. Cough and cold medicines for adults and children if needed should be included in the kit. Also, extra inhalers if someone in your group has asthma. You should have finger splints, knee brace, ACE bandage and spare glasses if you or someone else wears them. Customize your kit for yourself and your families needs.
Each kit should have an Emergency Survival Blanket, it can retain 90% of your body heat. They come in many sizes and qualities and can also be used for rain and shade protection.
A sturdy Poncho is also a must. It will keep the rain off of you and provide shade. A tarp is a good idea, as you can put it on the ground then cover it with a wool blanket to keep the chill from the ground off of you. Be sure to include some 550 Paracord. This will come in handy for a quick tent when tied between two trees or some kind of drape your poncho over it and you have some shelter. You should also include hand warmers and feet warmers that are available through many websites or hardware stores.
You should have pants, t-shirt, long sleeve shirt, and underwear packed as a spare. Try to dress in these types of clothing too. Pack a sock hat and baseball cap for cold and heat, and wear good boots that support your ankles and are waterproof. Each kit should have three types of gloves...non-latex for treating wounds, work gloves to protect your hands and weather appropriate gloves for insulation or sun protection. Try to carry at least three pairs of extra socks, and dry all clothes by a fire or in the sun to keep them from causing you any problems.
there are so many choices in survival foods today. You can buy MRE meals like the military uses or energy bars that provide 3500 calories for energy need. I like to choose my own types according to my tastes and my families tastes. This is where our kits get very customized. We always add, tea bags, hot cocoa and dry cups of soup packets. You can make trail mix with nuts, fruits, m & m's, crackers and cereal and store in ziploc bags. Cheese and Peanut Butter crackers are also good, along with hard candy and gum. Pick what you want, but make sure it will give you the energy you'll need. We also supplement these items with vitamins. It is a good idea to every once a month to go through the kits and replace any of the food that has expired. If you have a baby with you, be sure to add formula or dry milk and baby food.
In a survival situation, your 72 Hour Kit should have everything you need to handle all normal biological functions. So, to this part of the kit you should add toothpaste, toothbrush, comb and brush, a mess kit for eating (can be found in camping goods at a department store.) You will also need tissue, feminine products, shaving cream, razors, Q-tips, hand sanitizer, wet wipes and shampoo. Of course, add your own personal products as needed for each family member. Another wonderful thing to have is LED flashlights and extra batteries, Glow Sticks and Emergency candles which will help for lighting and reassurance when it is dark. It is a good choice too, to have a set of Walkie Talkies with fresh batteries. You will also want to have some cash on hand, suntan lotion, a folding knife and can opener. Be sure to customize your kit for YOUR needs and the people you are with. It is a good idea to store water and more food at home too. Along with sleeping bags, blankets, lanterns, axe and shovel and anything else you think would come in handy if you are lucky enough to stay at home. Always be prepared for the unexpected.
It is advisable to try to stay put in the midst of any chaos that may be happening in your community as a result of whatever crisis took place. I recommend that you establish a rally point for you and your family in the event that the emergency happens during a regular work and school day. Make home your number one rally point then have a secondary place, like another family members home in another part of town. Make sure everyone knows how to get to the rally points and to do so quickly and safely. Younger children, if at school or in day care, should be instructed to stay where they are until they are picked up by mom, dad, a sibling or grandparent..or even a trusted close friend. Make sure they understand the plan and that you will be there for them. This makes sense when a crisis happens because most often the children will be in school and on immediate lock-down.
Be prepared with your 72 hour emergency kits, and the extra stock of water, food and defense items that you have stocked up on. Ensure that your windows and doors can be securely locked, and you have exterior lighting and secure outer doors. A fence is a good idea also. Home defense begins at the door, never open the door to strangers and don't trust a stranger just because they are wearing a uniform. They must have ID to prove who they are before you have to comply. If you can, install a security screen door on the front door thus providing an extra layer of safety between you and the person on the street. With a fence, strong locked and bolted doors and maybe a big dog roaming the yard, hopefully whoever is trying to come through you defense system will stop before it comes to you last resort of defense, which should be the weapon of your choice that you and your family know how to use properly. If you have money to spend, you could even make one of the rooms in your home a “safe room”, with reinforced walls and doors.
In the event of a national emergency, you can almost count on a food shortages, rationing, and potentially even food riots. You really need to prepare as much as you can, while you can by stocking up on what you will need during this time. Don't try to sustain yourself indefinitely, just enough to get you through the crisis. It will help you to think more clearly when there is a crisis knowing that you prepared ahead of time. Because of how long it may takes it get the situation under control in the community and nationwide, I suggest you make provisions for at least 30 days with enough food and water for each person in your household. Ideally, you should have a 6 month supply, but this may not be realistic for most people.
Water....10 bottles of water per person each day at 12 ounces each. So, 50 cases of this water would supply a family of 4 people for 30 days. That's a lot of cases of water! Of course, you can also fill clean containers and store them for flushing the toilet and sponge bathing. You can add iodine drops to sterilize the water for drinking or boil it and this is a safe way of using water from ponds, streams, lakes, hot tubs, and swimming pools. You can invest in 5 gallon water bottles to store your water and use and refill them on a regular bases ensuring that they are fresh. In the first minutes of the disaster if you have the chance, fill your tubs with water and any containers you have left in the house. This will come in handy for many uses. Continue to use the tap water as long as it is available, but never use it if your community is flooded since it will be contaminated by overflowing sewage and make it unsafe to use. Be sure to store as much water as you can, and have back up plans on accessing water for long term survival from many different places. You need to plan for 3 meals a day, which is 90 meals per person for a 30 day period.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
How To Survive Without Electricity
It is possible to survive with no electricity. The earth has provided us with many
natural power sources that can do everything electricity can do. If your power has
been disrupted or if you cannot pay the bill or if you live somewhere were
electricity is just not available, you can use these sources to provide for your
basic needs.
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Solar Panel Kit |
This is the most popular way of accessing natures electricity. Place a panel so that is gets the most sun during the day. Then you will tie the panel to a battery. The panel takes in the power and the battery stores the power for future use. The power in the battery is DC power. You can use it directly if you have things that run on DC power simply by connecting them to the battery. You can find almost everything you need with DC power by going to RV stores. You can also tie the battery into a converter that converts DC power into AC power.
Herbs With Many Uses
For centuries, herbs and other natural products have been used as health aids and remedies. You can make various creams, infusions, ointments and poultices to help relieve many common ailments. You can use them for skin care, sore throats and colds, herbal teas, hair care, and soothing aches and pains.
Here is a partial list of medicinal herbs:
ANGELICA - Dried leaves are used to make an infusion (tea) to improve energy, stimulate circulation and reduce flatulence. Has antibacterial and antifungal qualities. BASIL, SWEET - Steep leaves in water for a few minutes to make a tea to help indigestion. Make a cold-oil infusion to massage sore muscles. CALENDULA - Flowers make a healing mouthwash for the gums. Mix a cream using calendula petals and plantain leaves for healing of cuts. CATNIP - Make a tea to to relieve colds and fevers. Also used to treat headaches and upset stomachs. Has mild sedative qualities. CHAMOMILE - Use in a tea as a mild sleep aid or to aid digestion. Make a cream to treat dry, rough skin. COMMON YARROW - Infused tea fights colds and fevers. Make a cream with its flower petals to use on cuts and burns. CORIANDER - Chew leaves or infuse as a tea to relieve upset stomachs. Also used as a mild sedative. FEVERFEW - Eat three to five leaves daily to reduce migraine headaches. Infuse as a tea to relieve muscle spasms or reduce fever. HOREHOUND - Make a tonic of chopped horehound leaves and honey to treat sore throats. A cold infusion will help relieve heartburn. HYSSOP - Make a cream to treat bruises and burns. Infuse as tea to treat colds, flu, bronchitis and sore throats. PURPLE CONEFLOWER (Echinacea Purpurea) - Drink a hot infusion to stimulate the immune system. ST JOHN'S WORT - Infuse as tea to treat depression or as a mild sedative. Makes a cream to treat bruises and skin inflammation. SUMMER SAVORY - Hot infusion is gargled to treat a sore throat. Also drink as a tea to treat diarrhea and indigestion. THYME - Make a tea sweetened with honey to help relieve sore throats and coughs. Infusion used to relieve hangovers. VALERIAN - Roots used to relieve nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia and pain. Roots used in a cream to treat acne or skin rashes.
As with all things for your health, you should do as much research about the herbs you want to use since all people are different.
A New Beginning
My thoughts about life in general are never set in stone. I think that there are a lot of things that we as humans do not understand, and we go through our lives doing the best we can with what we have. I believe we have many choices when it comes to how we use our knowledge of things throughout our lives. This blog is all about how to do things simply for ourselves, and what to do to prepare ourselves for any unknown crisis that may arise. I want to provide you with as much information I can to be self sufficient for the good of yourself and your family. Enjoy!
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